
Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us- Extended Comments

Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us-  By Linda Christensen Extended Comments  After reading the article, "Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us" by Linda Christensen, I read a post from one of my fellow classmates, Amanda F, and agree with her argument that "Disney Films are not as innocent as one may think." I agree with both Amanda and Christensen that films such as Disney films in particular are actually giving its audiences a "secret education". Having grown up loving these movies it is so very easy to relate to. I would like to add that it is hard to reverse these stereotypes that we all grew up watching. I do feel that it is getting better today, and that these characters in these movies are more realistic and relate-able. But if you go back and look at all the older classic princess movies it is a harsh reality and explains why so many young women and young men have insecurity issues and senses of a false reality. I agree with Amanda on the t

Teaching Multilingual Children- Collier- Hyperlinks

Teaching Multilingual Children by Virginia Collier  Hyperlinks   This Week I read Teaching Multilingual Children  by Virginia Collier, where she talks about how important it is to incorporate different langues and cultures in classrooms, especially ESL and multilingual classrooms. I found several other articles and sites that offer resources and other ideas on this idea of Multilingual classrooms. Multilingual education embraces students' mother language to teach students because learning is more meaningful and powerful, and learning outcomes are stronger. This Site I found explains multilingualism and what a Multilingual classroom looks like in different countries. It gives a definition of what multilingual is and what is like to have a multilingual classroom. I found this video to be informative and interesting. It is about Multilingual schools and what is like for those

Amazing Grace- Jonathan Kozol- Quotes

Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol "The Lives of children and conscience of a nation" Quotes   There are many thought-provoking and eye opening quotes that Kozol brings up in this article, but several really stood out to me.  ********** "At the elementary school that serves the neighborhood across the avenue, only seven of the 800 children do not qualify for free school lunches. "Five of those seven" says the principal "get free or reduced-price lunches because the are classified as only 'poor' and not 'destitute'." I personally feel that it is crazy to think that after seeing and hearing about the conditions that these kids are living in and dealing with everyday, that they do not even qualify for free or reduced lunch. I feel that free lunch should be provided at most schools especially ones in these type of areas. I have experienced middle school children when I was working in the Woonsocket, RI school district,

New Jersey Principal really making a difference in a community school

This New Jersey Principal is so inspiring. This is how we can keep kids in schools and help them to succeed.  I love that he said "I'll go to the stores to by them their eyelashes" haha  This is great. 

U.S.A., Land of Limitations? by Nicholas Kristof- Reflection

"U.S.A., LAND OF LIMITATIONS?" By Nicholas Kristof  Reflection How do us little people get to the top? Am I ever going to catch a break and get lucky? Will I be a person who makes it? I ask myself this all the time and I grew up in America as a white lower/middle class child. I grew up in well-to-do middle/upper working class family who seem to have everything just fall into place for them.  As for me, I grew up being raised by an amazing single mother, since my father was an abusive alcoholic, so my mother decided to raise me herself. I grew up watching my mother struggle to work overtime and so incredibly hard to put food on the table and make sure I was healthy and living the life shes always wanted for me. My mother did everything she could to make sure that I was doing well in school and doing everything that I wanted. She struggled to make sure I had everything I needed to succeed. I feel like growing up being raised by someone who struggles all the

Hello! Im Moriah!

I am a professional Flutist Went to Asheville, NC for a teaching interview and visited the blue Ridge Mountains Went to Miami for a job interview and visited south beach for the first time! Went to Virginia for a job interview which was minutes from Washington D.C and my mom came with me for support! I have a kitten named Ripple who loves to help me study